Enhanced Tip Design
Most ground rods use an angled tip — when you hit them with a hammer, they often drive sideways. Kris-Tech’s ground rods have a concentric ‘pencil tip’ that delivers a straight, precise entry every time.
Ergonomic Cap
Traditional flat ground rod caps are easy to crack and can fall off if you don’t hit them flush. Our rounded, black HDPE driving cap won’t break or come loose if you hit it off-center.
Pull-Resistant Wrapped Wire Termination
Ground wires can sometimes pull away from the ground rod during installation. Kris-Tech routes the ground rod wire through a flush-cut spiral groove under the cap to ensure the wire stays intact.
Proprietary Wire-To-Ground Rod Connection
We’ve eliminated the most common ground rod failure point — the wire-to-rod connection. Most tracer system grounds used today are not completely sealed under the cap and cannot be guaranteed for the life of the pipe. We took a different approach with our Kris-Tech ground rod. Once the wrapped ground wire is attached inside the rod, the end is completely sealed with a clear epoxy compound to provide maximum long-term protection from moisture and corrosion.
Designed and Manufactured In America
We’re proud that our Kris-Tech Ground Rod is built in the U.S. by American workers.